Sunday, August 25, 2013

Loss of Sea Ice

Losing Sea Ice means not only the loss of Ice and living space for the polar bears, but it also means the loss of algae and the food web of the sea. This was analyzed in a 10-year-long study made by Uma Bhatt an associate professor with UAF's Geophysical Institute, and Skip Walker, a professor at UAF's Institute of Arctic Biology. Lately, there has been a loss of sea ice in the Arctic that is even visible from space. 

Due to the loss of sea ice, less animals are migrating and some animals and plants are becoming more isolated. Entire biomes may be lost without the cooling effects that the ice caused. Thanks to this, there's also a probability for new species of plants and vegetation to appear, or soMr. Walker says. 

I think it is important for us to know this because it is our world that is affected not only because of the animals that are dying because of this, but because of the weather changes the Earth will suffer because of the loss of sea ice.

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