Sunday, August 25, 2013

Loss of Sea Ice

Losing Sea Ice means not only the loss of Ice and living space for the polar bears, but it also means the loss of algae and the food web of the sea. This was analyzed in a 10-year-long study made by Uma Bhatt an associate professor with UAF's Geophysical Institute, and Skip Walker, a professor at UAF's Institute of Arctic Biology. Lately, there has been a loss of sea ice in the Arctic that is even visible from space. 

Due to the loss of sea ice, less animals are migrating and some animals and plants are becoming more isolated. Entire biomes may be lost without the cooling effects that the ice caused. Thanks to this, there's also a probability for new species of plants and vegetation to appear, or soMr. Walker says. 

I think it is important for us to know this because it is our world that is affected not only because of the animals that are dying because of this, but because of the weather changes the Earth will suffer because of the loss of sea ice.

Prezi about Significant Figures

I made this prezi about Significant figures and how do we use them in a chemistry lab. It also explains what is the metric system and why it is important to know how to measure and be accurate in chemistry.

Enjoy and I hope you learn something!

Link for prezi:

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lab Safety

How to be safe in a chemistry lab?

There are many ways to keep safe in a Chemistry Lab, but the most important thing is to follow instructions.

Heating Safety: 

  • No loose hair or clothing
  • Never look into a heating container
  • Never leave a heating source unattended 

Chemical Safety:

  • Read all labels twice before using a Chemical
  • never touch or taste

Hand Safety: 

  • If a chemical spills on your hand, notify the teacher and rinse with water for 15 minutes
  • Carry glassware carefully

Safety Equipment: 

  • Fire extinguisher located on the wall of the lab
  • To operate the fire extinguisher remember P-A-S-S 
    • P: Pull
    • A: Aim the hose to the fire
    • S: squeeze handle
    • S: Sweep the hose back 

General Safety Guidelines:

  • No horseplay
  • Follow all instructions
  • Do not touch lab equipment until instructed to do so.
  • Food, drink, and gum are not allowed on a science classroom.
  • Keep room organized and clean
  • Notify the teacher immediately of any accidents or unsafe condition in the science room.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after experiments.

Safety Symbols:

  • wear safety googles 
  • If a chemical gets into your eyes flush with water for 15 minutes
  • carry objects with sharp ends facing down.
  • cut away from body
  • NEVER use electricity around water. 
It is very important to keep safe in a chemistry lab because there are many chemicals or objects that we don't know how to use so we have to wait for the teacher to teach us and wait for instructions. It is mandatory to keep ourselves safe because by keeping ourselves safe we ensure the safety of our lab partners.  For example, if a horseplay in a lab and drop a chemical I can hurt myself and my partner. 

Coffee May Affect Drinkers Under the Age of 55

Coffee May Affect Drinkers Under the Age of 55

            Coffee is a very popular drink in America. It is known that about 60% of american adults drink in average 3 cups of coffee everyday. This may affect their health. After performing an experiment with 40,000 people that drank 28 cups of coffee a week, it was seen that 21% of these people have an increase of mortality. Coffee drinkers under the age of 55 increase their mortality risk up to a 50%. 

         Most of the people are not aware how dangerous drinking big amounts of coffee is. For example, I drink coffee almost everyday and I had no idea how dangerous this could be for my life. Coffee contributes to many chronic health conditions that can be mortal for my short age. Also, coffee may lead to cardiovascular diseases which are also very dangerous and it can rise the mortality standards of a person. 

        People should be aware of the dangerous conditions and the risks they have for drinking coffee. Even though there is not a high consumption of coffee it is more probable to have a cardiovascular or chronic problems. There is still missing more studies to see what happens in a long term of drinking heavy amounts of coffee a week. Scientists suggest to avoid drinking more than 28 cups of coffee a week or more than 4 cups on a normal day.