Sunday, September 29, 2013

Futuristic Flight

Futuristic Flight: 

This spring an airplane flew from coast to coast without using fuel, but instead it used sun energy. The plane called Solar Impulse has charged batteries that allow it to fly during the day and night. Although the plane did not make stops to change fuel it did to change pilots. This plane only has room for one person which is the pilot. 

There is a scheduled around the world flight for 2015. This journey will be flown with a more advanced plane that is now under construction. 

One of the pilot founders of the Solar Impulse project, Bertrand Piccard, said, "If the technologies we're using were used everywhere--in buildings and cars and lighting systems,we could cut the energy consumption of the world in half."

View full article: 
Barone, Jennifer. "Futuristic Flight." Science World 70.2 (2013): 12. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 29 Sept. 2013.

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