Sunday, September 8, 2013

Risk that children with behavior issues may have

                  We as children or as teenagers are always told that we should be polite to others and to treat others the  way you would like to be treated, but being polite is not the main point. According to scientists, children with behavior problems are most likely to get sick or have diseases in adulthood. Such diseases may include diabetes, chronic diseases, overweight or obesity, heart diseases, and even inflammatory diseases. This data was obtained by the University of Bristol, Harvard scientists and Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health and they analyzed the behavior of 4,000 participants of children in 90s. 

                 Scientists found out that eight-year-old children with behavioral problems had higher levels of a protein (C-reactive protein -- CRP; and Interleukin 6 -- IL-6) in their blood which was found at the age of 10. This proteins are an early sign that a person might suffer from inflammatory diseases, and heart conditions later in life. Pervious research showed that kids with behavioral problems are associated with the HPA axis work which can make the child more likable to have reactions to stress because HPA controls it. Also, it causes the immunological system to fail or to malfunction. These two proteins can cause chronically elevated levels of inflammation which causes injury to the tissues that leads to more health problems. 

               "This new research shows for the first time that having behavioral problems in childhood can put children on the path to ill health much earlier than we previously realized. The important message for healthcare professionals is that they need to monitor the physical health as well as the mental health of children with behavioral problems in order to identify those at risk as early as possible." said the senior author and associated professor of Epidemiology.  

              This article is important for people because if they see that their children have a behavioral problem they can be on time to make it stop which may save that person of other diseases. Some people say it is normal to be on a bad humor, but maybe they don't know that with time this may affect on their health. For me it is important because know I know that I should be more relaxed if I don't want to have severe consequences later. 

Original article: 
Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. "Children with behavioral problems more at risk of inflammation, health problems later in life." ScienceDaily, 5 Sep. 2013. Web. 8 Sep. 2013.

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