Monday, October 28, 2013

Atomic Bonding

There are 3 different kinds of atomic bondings which are: covalent bonding, ionic bonding, and metallic bonding. 

On the following link there is a popplet I made explaining a little bit about atomic bondings. All the information in the popplet was taken out of my class notes. 

Link to popplet:

Sunday, October 20, 2013

New Light On Star Death

Astronomers at Queen University discovered a new form of light produced in the Universe. This light, was believed to be from a Supernovae, but this light was hundreds of times brighter than the one coming from a Supernovae. This light is believed to be emanating from the core of a star instead of being emanating from the outer shell.

Matt Nicholl, the head of this research said, "Supernovae are several billions of times brighter than the Sun, and in fact are so bright that amateur astronomers regularly search for new ones in nearby galaxies. It has been known for decades that the heat and light from these supernovae come from powerful blast-waves and radioactive material.
But recently some very unusual supernovae have been found, which are too bright to be explained in this way. They are hundreds of times brighter than those found over the last fifty years and the origin of their extreme properties is quite mysterious.
Some theoretical physicists predicted these types of explosions came from the biggest stars in the universe destroying themselves in a manner quite like a giant thermonuclear bomb. But our data doesn't match up with this theory.
In a supernova explosion, the star's outer layers are violently ejected, while its core collapses to form an extremely dense neutron star -- weighing as much as the Sun but only tens of kilometers across. We think that, in a small number of cases, the neutron star has a very strong magnetic field, and spins incredibly quickly -- about 300 times a second. As it slows down, it could transmit the spin energy into the supernova, via magnetism, making it much brighter than normal. The data we have seems to match that prediction almost exactly."

This news is important to our daily life because we don't know how is this supernovae is going to affect the universe and as a consequence affect the world. Due to the light and the heat this supernovae emits the world and the universe can be seriously affected.

MLA:Queen's University, Belfast. "New light on star death: Super-luminous supernovae may be powered by magnetars." ScienceDaily, 16 Oct. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Futuristic Flight

Futuristic Flight: 

This spring an airplane flew from coast to coast without using fuel, but instead it used sun energy. The plane called Solar Impulse has charged batteries that allow it to fly during the day and night. Although the plane did not make stops to change fuel it did to change pilots. This plane only has room for one person which is the pilot. 

There is a scheduled around the world flight for 2015. This journey will be flown with a more advanced plane that is now under construction. 

One of the pilot founders of the Solar Impulse project, Bertrand Piccard, said, "If the technologies we're using were used everywhere--in buildings and cars and lighting systems,we could cut the energy consumption of the world in half."

View full article: 
Barone, Jennifer. "Futuristic Flight." Science World 70.2 (2013): 12. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 29 Sept. 2013.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Risk that children with behavior issues may have

                  We as children or as teenagers are always told that we should be polite to others and to treat others the  way you would like to be treated, but being polite is not the main point. According to scientists, children with behavior problems are most likely to get sick or have diseases in adulthood. Such diseases may include diabetes, chronic diseases, overweight or obesity, heart diseases, and even inflammatory diseases. This data was obtained by the University of Bristol, Harvard scientists and Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health and they analyzed the behavior of 4,000 participants of children in 90s. 

                 Scientists found out that eight-year-old children with behavioral problems had higher levels of a protein (C-reactive protein -- CRP; and Interleukin 6 -- IL-6) in their blood which was found at the age of 10. This proteins are an early sign that a person might suffer from inflammatory diseases, and heart conditions later in life. Pervious research showed that kids with behavioral problems are associated with the HPA axis work which can make the child more likable to have reactions to stress because HPA controls it. Also, it causes the immunological system to fail or to malfunction. These two proteins can cause chronically elevated levels of inflammation which causes injury to the tissues that leads to more health problems. 

               "This new research shows for the first time that having behavioral problems in childhood can put children on the path to ill health much earlier than we previously realized. The important message for healthcare professionals is that they need to monitor the physical health as well as the mental health of children with behavioral problems in order to identify those at risk as early as possible." said the senior author and associated professor of Epidemiology.  

              This article is important for people because if they see that their children have a behavioral problem they can be on time to make it stop which may save that person of other diseases. Some people say it is normal to be on a bad humor, but maybe they don't know that with time this may affect on their health. For me it is important because know I know that I should be more relaxed if I don't want to have severe consequences later. 

Original article: 
Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. "Children with behavioral problems more at risk of inflammation, health problems later in life." ScienceDaily, 5 Sep. 2013. Web. 8 Sep. 2013.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Erwin Schrodinger

Erwin Schrodinger:

Have you ever wondered who Erwin Schrodinger was?
Do you know who find out where the electrons are located in an atom?

If you have constantly been asking these questions, then you should check out the prezi (link below) that I made about him. 

He was an Austrian scientists who won a Nobel Prize and invented the theory of "Electron Cloud".

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Loss of Sea Ice

Losing Sea Ice means not only the loss of Ice and living space for the polar bears, but it also means the loss of algae and the food web of the sea. This was analyzed in a 10-year-long study made by Uma Bhatt an associate professor with UAF's Geophysical Institute, and Skip Walker, a professor at UAF's Institute of Arctic Biology. Lately, there has been a loss of sea ice in the Arctic that is even visible from space. 

Due to the loss of sea ice, less animals are migrating and some animals and plants are becoming more isolated. Entire biomes may be lost without the cooling effects that the ice caused. Thanks to this, there's also a probability for new species of plants and vegetation to appear, or soMr. Walker says. 

I think it is important for us to know this because it is our world that is affected not only because of the animals that are dying because of this, but because of the weather changes the Earth will suffer because of the loss of sea ice.

Prezi about Significant Figures

I made this prezi about Significant figures and how do we use them in a chemistry lab. It also explains what is the metric system and why it is important to know how to measure and be accurate in chemistry.

Enjoy and I hope you learn something!

Link for prezi: